The operating income of 140 billion yen that was forecast for FY 2015/03 seems a little conservative. Why did you settle on this figure?
The plan may seem conservative. However, we made this plan on the assumption that we will invest in new business this year. A lineup of new MFP products was launched last year and we are also moving along with structural reforms. Our priority is realistically achieving the target FY 2015/03.
Why was the Network System Solutions business that aimed for large growth in new MTP pegged at -3.9% in the plan for FY 2015/03?
A PC-related irregular high demand occurred in FY 2014/03 because of the end of support for Windows XP and before the rise in the Japanese consumption tax. So we assume that demand will decrease as a result of a backlash to these factors. We intend to extend our business globally and steadily over the medium term. We are implementing various measures against this background.