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Environmental Management System

Achieving environmental conservation and profits simultaneously

The Ricoh Group considers it essential to simultaneously protect the environment while generating profits. We accordingly practice environmental management, through which we strive to reduce our eco-footprint and improve the Earth’s regenerative capabilities Groupwide.

Vision and Concept (Three Ps Balance, Comet Circle, and Environmental Principles)

Introducing the Three Ps Balance of our ideal society, the Comet Circle concept for realizing a circular economy, and the Ricoh Group Environmental Principles, which clearly show the basic policy and action guidelines that the Group should follow for environmental conservation.

Environmental Goals

Ricoh has positioned “realizing a zero-carbon society” and “realizing a circular economy” as material issues, and we have set environmental goals for 2030 and 2050 by using a backcasting method.

Structures and Systems

We incorporate environmental risks and opportunities into the processes of each business activity and promote environmental management under a system of integrated decision-making for management and environment.

ISO14001 Certification

Ricoh is promoting the cultivation of environmental management systems and actively acquiring ISO14001 certifications.