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Environmental Labels

Environmental labels are marks that indicate how products or services contribute to reducing environmental impact. The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) divides environmental labels into the following three types. Ricoh actively acquires these environmental labels and contributes to the conservation of the global environment.
Please refer to the following page for environmental labels for each product.

List of Environmental Label Qualified Products

Type I (ISO14024)

Type I environmental labels are certified based on the criteria for eco-friendly products established by third-party organizations. These labels are given to products with superiority after comprehensive evaluations for "energy saving," "resource saving," "customer health and safety," etc., from the stage of product design to that of customer use and disposal. Ricoh is actively acquiring Type I environmental labels.

Primary Type I Environmental Labels that Ricoh has obtained

Image: Eco Mark (Japan)

Eco Mark (Japan)

Image: Blue Angel (Germany)

Blue Angel (Germany)

Image: Singapore Green Label (Singapore)

Singapore Green Label (Singapore)

Image: EPEAT(the US)

EPEAT (the US)

Type II (ISO14021)

Type II labels are environmental labels set independently by the company and do not require third-party certifications. Ricoh has set its own standards for the reuse rate of parts.

Type III (ISO14025)

Type III environmental labels indicate the environmental impact of products and services in quantitative manners and are stipulated in ISO14025 as an international standard. Ricoh evaluates the life-cycle environmental impact of the products by establishing a system to collect various data of parts and components, and acquiring certification of the EcoLeaf Environmental Label, an environmental label system in accordance with ISO14025 in Japan. This enables us to quantitatively understand the environmental impact of our products, and leads us to consider and implement effective methods to reduce the impact.
Besides, we participate in the Carbon Footprint of Products (CFP), a program that displays the amount of greenhouse gas emission throughout the life cycle of products and services, and are working to "visualize" greenhouse gas emissions.

Image: EcoLeaf Environmental Labels

EcoLeaf Environmental Labels

Image: Carbon Footprint of Products (CFP)

Carbon Footprint of Products (CFP)

Other Environmental Program

In addition to the above Type I to III environmental labels, Ricoh is actively working to obtain certification under the energy-saving product certification systems in each country. In the International ENERGY STAR Program, which promotes energy-saving office equipment, 94% of our image processing products, including products launched in fiscal 2022, have acquired its certification and contribute to decarbonization.

Image: International ENERGY STAR Program

International ENERGY STAR Program