
As of June 20, 2024

Directors (Internal)

Yoshinori Yamashita(August 22, 1957)
Responsibilities as a Director of the Company

Nomination Committee Member / Compensation Committee Member

Position and responsibilities at the Company

Chairperson (Not concurrently serving as an Executive Officer of the Company and not involved in the day-to-day execution of the Company's business)

Meeting attendance during FY2023
Board of Directors meetings:
13/13 (100%)
Nomination Committee meetings:
9/9 (100%)
Compensation Committee meetings:
8/8 (100%)
Brief personal profile
Mar 1980
Joined the Company
Feb 1995
General Manager of Business Planning Division of Ricoh UK Products Ltd.
Apr 2008
President of Ricoh Electronics, Inc.
Apr 2010
Group Executive Officer
Apr 2011
Corporate Senior Vice President
General Manager of Corporate Planning Division
Jun 2012
Corporate Executive Vice President
Apr 2014
General Manager of Business Solutions Group
Apr 2015
In charge of core business
Jun 2016
Deputy President
Apr 2017
Representative Director (Current)
CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
Apr 2020
CHRO (Chief Human Resource Officer)
Apr 2021
Vice Chairperson of Japan Association of Corporate Executives (Current)
Apr 2023
Chairperson (Current)
Jun 2024
Outside Director of Nomura Real Estate Holdings, Inc. [Scheduled to be appointed]
Outside Director of Asahi Kasei Corp. [Scheduled to be appointed]
Akira Oyama(January 6, 1961)
Responsibilities as an Executive Officer of the Company

CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

Meeting attendance during FY2023
Board of Directors meetings:
13/13 (100%)
Brief personal profile
Jul 1986
Joined the Company
Apr 2011
President and COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Ricoh Europe Plc
Aug 2012
Group Executive Officer
General Manager of Europe Marketing Group
Chairperson of Ricoh Europe B.V.
Apr 2014
Corporate Senior Vice President
General Manager of Corporate Division
Apr 2015
President of Ricoh Americas Holdings, Inc.
Jun 2015
Sep 2015
General Manager of New Business Development Division
Jun 2016
Corporate Executive Vice President
Apr 2017
CFO (Chief Financial Officer)
General Manager of CEO Office
Apr 2018
General Manager of Sales and Marketing Group
Apr 2019
CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)
Apr 2020
General Manager of Workplace Solutions Business Group
Apr 2021
Executive Corporate Officer
President of Ricoh Digital Services Business Unit
Jun 2021
Apr 2022
Director and Chairperson of Ricoh Japan Corporation
Apr 2023
Representative Director (Current)
President (Current)
CEO (Current)
Takashi Kawaguchi(January 29, 1963)
Responsibilities as an Executive Officer of the Company

CFO (Chief Financial Officer)

Meeting attendance during FY2023
Board of Directors meetings:
11/11 (100%)
  • *
    attendance after appointment at the General Meeting of Shareholders
Brief personal profile
Mar 1986
Joined the Company
Jul 2004
General Manager of Accounting Department of Finance and Accounting Division
May 2007
CFO of InfoPrint Solutions LLC
Aug 2010
SVP (Senior Vice President) of Ricoh Americas Holdings, Inc.
Oct 2015
General Manager of Planning Department, Global Capital Management Support Center, Corporate Division
Apr 2018
General Manager of Finance Department, Finance and Legal Division and General Manager of CEO Office
Oct 2018
Executive Officer and General Manager of Corporate Management Division of RICOH LEASING COMPANY, LTD.
Jan 2019
Managing Executive Officer and General Manager of Corporate Management Division of RICOH LEASING COMPANY, LTD.
Jun 2019
Apr 2020
Director and Corporate Senior Vice President of RICOH LEASING COMPANY, LTD.
Jun 2021
General Manager of Finance and Accounting Division (Current)
General Manager of Finance and Accounting Center,
Professional Services Division
Chairperson and President of Ricoh Americas Holdings, Inc. (Current)
Apr 2022
Corporate Officer
CFO (Current)
Apr 2023
Executive Corporate Officer (Current)
Jun 2023
Director (Current)

Directors (Outside)

Keisuke Yokoo(November 26, 1951)
Responsibilities as a Director of the Company

Chairperson of the Board of the Directors / Nomination Committee Member / Compensation Committee Member

Significant concurrent positions

President and CEO of Japan Investment Corporation / Chairperson of Sonar Advisers Inc. / Outside Director of The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited / Outside Director of Takashimaya Company, Limited

Major activities

At the Company, as Outside Director, he has made appropriate management decisions and supervised management from the perspective of shareholders and investors by leveraging his broad and extensive experience gained through many years of working in the finance and capital markets, as well as his broad knowledge and insights on finance. Additionally, as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, he has led and operated Board of Directors meetings from a neutral standpoint, leading free, vigorous, and constructive discussions, particularly by eliciting active opinions from Outside Directors. Furthermore, as Nomination Committee Member and Compensation Committee Member, he has engaged in proactive discussions from an independent standpoint, based on his experience as a top executive, contributing to the strengthening of oversight functions and ensuring of objectivity and transparency in the nomination and compensation processes.
In fiscal 2023, he provided advice and recommendations on active information dissemination to the capital markets, transformation of the revenue structure, expansion of TSR*, capital policies, and growth investments through deliberations, on such matters as the “Corporate Value Improvement Project” at the Board of Directors, contributing to the Company's initiatives towards business growth and corporate value enhancement. Additionally, he actively monitored important meetings related to business execution, including attending management meetings as an observer.

  • *
    TSR (Total shareholder return): An indicator for measuring the comprehensive return on investment (the sum of capital gains and dividends) for shareholders and investors
Meeting attendance during FY2023
Board of Directors meetings:
13/13 (100%)
Nomination Committee meetings:
9/9 (100%)
Compensation Committee meetings:
8/8 (100%)
Brief personal profile
Apr 1974
Joined The Industrial Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Current Mizuho Bank, Ltd.)
Apr 2000
General Manager of Nagoya Branch of The Industrial Bank of Japan, Ltd.
Jun 2001
Managing Director, Head of Planning Group of Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
Apr 2007
President of Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. (Shinko Securities Co., Ltd. and Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. merged in May 2009 to form Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.)
Jun 2011
Chairperson of Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
Jun 2012
Advisor of Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
Apr 2015
Vice Chairperson & President of Japan Association of Corporate Executives
Oct 2016
Outside Director of The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited (Current)
Jun 2017
Outside Director of Nippon Suisan Kaisha, Ltd. (Currently Nissui Corporation)
May 2019
Chairperson of Sonar Advisers Inc. (Current)
Dec 2019
President, Member of the Board & Chief Executive Officer of Japan Investment Corporation (Current)
May 2020
Outside Director of Takashimaya Company, Limited (Current)
Jun 2020
Outside Director (Current)
Sadafumi Tani(September 15, 1954)
Responsibilities as a Director of the Company

Chairperson of the Compensation Committee / Nomination Committee Member

Significant concurrent positions

Executive Director and Editor in Chief of / Advisor of Jiji Research Institute, Ltd.

Major activities

At the Company, as Outside Director, he has made appropriate management decisions and supervised management by leveraging broad experience and insights from his long-standing career as an economic journalist, particularly in global economy and societal issues. Additionally, as the Chairperson of the Compensation Committee, he has led discussions on appropriate officer incentive compensation while considering the perspectives of a wide range of stakeholders such as shareholders and employees. This has contributed to the strengthening of oversight functions and ensuring of transparency in the process of determining officer compensation. Moreover, as Nomination Committee Member, he has engaged in discussions focused on ensuring objectivity and transparency in the nomination process.
In fiscal 2023, he provided advice and recommendations on internal and external information dissemination, human resource strategy, and growth investment through deliberations, on such matters as the “Corporate Value Improvement Project” at the Board of Directors, contributing to the Company's initiatives towards business growth and corporate value enhancement. Additionally, he actively monitored important meetings related to business execution, including attending management meetings as an observer.

Meeting attendance during FY2023
Board of Directors meetings:
13/13 (100%)
Nomination Committee meetings:
9/9 (100%)
Compensation Committee meetings:
8/8 (100%)
Meeting attendance during FY2023
Apr 1977
Joined Jiji Press, Ltd.
Apr 1988
Staff Correspondent of Washington D.C. Bureau of Jiji Press, Ltd.
Dec 2001
Editor in Chief of Economic News of Jiji Press, Ltd.
Jun 2004
Director of Kobe Bureau of Jiji Press, Ltd.
Jun 2006
Managing Editor of Jiji Press, Ltd.
Jun 2009
Director of General Administration Division of Jiji Press, Ltd.
Jan 2010
General Manager of President's Office of Jiji Press, Ltd.
Jun 2010
Director of Jiji Press, Ltd.
Jul 2010
Director and Managing Editor of Jiji Press, Ltd.
Jun 2013
Executive Director of Jiji Press, Ltd.
Mar 2016
Director / Editor in Chief of Nippon.Com
May 2016
Audit & Supervisory Board Member of Quants Research Inc.
Jun 2016
Executive Director/ Editor in Chief of (Current) [Scheduled to retire in June 2024]
Jun 2021
Outside Director (Current)
May 2022
Advisor and Visiting Researcher of Jiji Research Institute, Ltd. (Current)
Jun 2024
Advisor of [Scheduled to be appointed]
Kazuhiko Ishimura(September 18, 1954)
Responsibilities as a Director of the Company

Lead Independent Director / Chairperson of the Nomination Committee / Compensation Committee Member

Significant concurrent positions

President, CEO of National Institute of Advance Industrial Science and Technology / Outside Director of Nomura Holdings, Inc.

Major activities

At the Company, as Outside Director, he has made appropriate management decisions and supervised management by providing advice and recommendations based on his extensive experience as a management executive of AGC Inc. and his knowledge and insight as President and CEO of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. Additionally, as the Lead Independent Director, he has collaborated with the Chairperson of the Board of Directors to continuously strengthen governance and led the duties of the Independent Outside Directors. Additionally, as the Chairperson of the Nomination Committee, he has facilitated objective discussions from an independent standpoint, contributing to the strengthening of oversight functions. As Compensation Committee Member, he has also developed discussions focused on ensuring objectivity and transparency in the process of determining officer compensation.
In fiscal 2023, he provided a wide range of advice and recommendations on improving capital profitability, organization and governance, growth investment, human resource strategy, etc. through deliberations on such matters as the “Corporate Value Improvement Project” at the Board of Directors. This contributed to the Company's initiatives towards realizing the reform of the business structure and enhancing corporate value. In addition, he actively worked to understand our business through communication with key executive divisions.

Meeting attendance during FY2023
Board of Directors meetings:
13/13 (100%)
Nomination Committee meetings:
9/9 (100%)
Compensation Committee meetings:
8/8 (100%)
Brief personal profile
Apr 1979
Joined Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. (Current AGC Inc.)
Jan 2006
Executive Officer and GM of Kansai Plant of Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.
Jan 2007
Senior Executive Officer and GM of Electronics & Energy General Division of Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.
Mar 2008
Representative Director, President and COO of Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.
Jan 2010
Representative Director, President and CEO of Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.
Jan 2015
Representative Director and Chairperson of Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.
Jun 2015
Outside Director of TDK Corporation
Jun 2017
Outside Director of IHI Corporation
Jan 2018
Director and Chairperson of Asahi Glass Co., Ltd.
Apr 2018
Vice Chairperson of Japan Association of Corporate Executives
Jun 2018
Outside Director of Nomura Holdings, Inc. (Current)
Mar 2020
Director of AGC Inc.
Apr 2020
President of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Apr 2021
President and CEO of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Current)
Jun 2022
Outside Director (Current)
Shigenao Ishiguro(October 30, 1957)
Responsibilities as a Director of the Company

Nomination Committee Member

Significant concurrent positions

Chairperson & Director of TDK Corporation / Outside Director of NTT DATA Group Corporation

Major activities

At the Company, as Outside Director, he has made appropriate management decisions and supervised management by leveraging his broad and extensive experience as an executive of TDK Corporation. Additionally, as Nomination Committee Member, he has engaged in proactive discussions from an independent standpoint, based on his experience as a top executive, contributing to the strengthening of oversight functions and ensuring objectivity and transparency in the nomination process.
In fiscal 2023, he provided advice and recommendations on management emphasizing diversity and speed for the transformation of the Company into a digital services company, global talent utilization, profitability-driven business growth strategies, strategic growth investments, etc. through deliberations on such matters as the “Corporate Value Improvement Project” at the Board of Directors. This contributed to the Company's initiatives towards realizing business growth and enhancing corporate value. Additionally, he visited our main sites and engaged in dialogue with local employees to gain insight into the actual state of affairs at these sites, and he attended management meetings as an observer and actively communicated with key executive divisions to understand our business.

Meeting attendance during FY2023
Board of Directors meetings:
11/11 (100%)
Nomination Committee meetings:
8/8 (100%)
  • *
    Attendance after appointment at the General Meeting of Shareholders
Brief personal profile
Jan 1982
Joined TDK ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. (Current TDK Corporation)
Apr 2002
Senior Manager of Planning Group of Europe Sales Group of Recording Media & Solutions Business Group of TDK Corporation
Apr 2011
Deputy General Manager of Data Storage & Thin Film Technology Components Business Group of TDK Corporation
Jun 2012
General Manager of Data Storage & Thin Film Technology Components Business Group of TDK Corporation
Jun 2014
Corporate Officer of TDK Corporation
Apr 2015
CEO of Magnetic Heads and Sensors Business Company of TDK Corporation
Jun 2015
Senior Vice President of TDK Corporation
Jun 2016
President & Representative Director of TDK Corporation
Apr 2022
Chairperson & Representative Director of TDK Corporation
Jun 2022
Outside Director of NTT DATA Corporation (Current NTT DATA Group Corporation) (Current)
Chairperson & Director of TDK Corporation (Current) [Scheduled to retire in June 2024]
Jun 2023
Outside Director (Current)
Yoko Takeda(April 13, 1971)
Responsibilities as a Director of the Company

Compensation Committee Member

Significant concurrent positions

Executive Officer, Research Fellow, and General Manager of Think Tank Unit of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. / Outside Director of FANUC CORPORATION

Major activities

At the Company, as Outside Director, she has made appropriate management decisions and supervised management by leveraging her excellent foresight and analytical skills regarding the global economy and social trends, as well as her deep insight and knowledge in respect of employment issues and talent development, which she cultivated over the years as an economist. Additionally, as Compensation Committee Member, she has engaged in proactive and fair discussions from an independent standpoint, contributing to strengthening of oversight functions and ensuring objectivity and transparency in the compensation process.
In fiscal 2023, she provided advice and recommendations on risks and opportunities arising from the global economy and financial trends, human capital management, contributions to environmental sustainability, business growth strategies, etc. through deliberations on such matters as the “Corporate Value Improvement Project” at the Board of Directors. This contributed to the Company's initiatives towards realizing business growth and enhancing corporate value. Additionally, she visited our main sites and engaged in dialogue with local employees to gain insight into the actual state of affairs at these sites and actively communicated with key executive divisions to understand our business.

Meeting attendance during FY2023
Board of Directors meetings:
11/11 (100%)
Compensation Committee meetings:
7/7 (100%)
  • *
    Attendance after appointment at the General Meeting of Shareholders
Brief personal profile
Apr 1994
Joined the Bank of Japan
Apr 2009
Joined the Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
Senior Economist, Senior Researcher of Research Center for Policy and Economy of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
Apr 2012
Chief Economist (Current)
Research Director of Research Center for Policy and Economy of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
Oct 2015
Deputy General Manager of Research Center for Policy and Economy of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
Oct 2017
General Manager of Center for Policy and Economy of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
Oct 2020
Deputy General Manager of Think Tank Unit and General Manager of Center for Policy and Economy of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
Dec 2021
Research Fellow of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. (Current)
Oct 2022
General Manager of Planning and Administration Office of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.
Jun 2023
Outside Director (Current)
Outside Director of FANUC CORPORATION (Current)
Oct 2023
Executive Officer, and General Manager of Think Tank Unit of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. (Current)

Skill matrix

The compositions of the Board of Directors and Audit and Supervisory Board, as well as expertise of each Director and Audit and Supervisory Board Member are as follows.

The tables below represent skills possessed by each Director and Audit and Supervisory Board Member that are deemed exemplary, and does not represent all of their knowledge and experience.

Basic approach to the structure of officers

  • The Company's basic requirement for the appointment of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members is that they have a deep understanding of The Ricoh Way, which comprises the “Founding Principles” (the Spirit of Three Loves, namely, love your neighbor; love your country; and love your work), the “Mission & Vision,” and the “Values,” and are capable of contributing to the sound and sustainable growth of the Company and the enhancement of its corporate and shareholder value. In addition, for Outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members, as they are in a position that requires independence and neutrality, we place a particular emphasis on those who are able to openly express their opinions to the management team, and who are able to provide appropriate advice and supervision from an independent and neutral standpoint.
  • The Company has established an appropriate structure of officers by comprehensively considering the composition of Internal and Outside Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members, tenure, diversity, and other factors, in addition to the skills possessed by them. We will continue to discuss the necessary skills and diversity in line with changes in our business environment and the development of our business strategy, and will build a structure of officers in line with these discussions.

Positioning of major skills and notable fields of expertise

  • For major skills, the Company lists those skills that, preferably, should be covered by more than one Director or Audit & Supervisory Board Member in light of the management environment and business strategies. Based on their position and role on the Board of Directors and committees, a maximum of three major skills possessed by each individual are marked with a “●.”
  • In addition, we consider it necessary for individual Directors and Audit & Supervisory Board Members to demonstrate outstanding knowledge and skills in their respective fields of expertise in order to address increasingly sophisticated and diverse management issues, and have listed these as notable fields of expertise.

Reasons for selection of major skills

To understand business opportunities and risks in consideration of the management environment, and to ensure appropriate decision-making and oversight with the aim of enhancing corporate value.
Governance and
risk management
To achieve a higher level of governance that is trusted by diverse stakeholders and to appropriately address increasingly complex and sophisticated business risks such as geopolitical risk and economic security through global information gathering and analysis.
Finance and
To achieve sustainable enhancement of shareholder value and corporate value through capital policy and communication with the capital market, as a company listed on the Prime Market.
Sustainability To promote solutions to social issues through ESG initiatives, which Ricoh considers essential for sustainable enhancement of shareholder value and corporate value, in order to realize Ricoh's goal of a society in which the balance among the three Ps* is maintained (Three Ps Balance).
and Digitalization
To accelerate the Ricoh Group’s transformation into a digital services company by utilizing edge devices that are unique to Ricoh and providing digital services such as platforms and software that leverage these strengths.
  • *
    Three Ps: Prosperity, People, and Planet
Years of
Major skills Notable fields of expertise
Governance and
risk management
Finance and
Sustainability Technology and
Directors Yoshinori Yamashita Male Non-executive Officer 12 SCM and marketing
Akira Oyama Male 3 Global marketing
Takashi Kawaguchi Male 1 Accounting, finance and investment management
Keisuke Yokoo Chairperson of the Board
of the Directors
Male Outside Independent 4 Finance and investment management
Sadafumi Tani Male Outside Independent 3
Information analysis/distribution and communication
Kazuhiko Ishimura Lead Independent
Male Outside Independent 2
Technology management and ESG management
Shigenao Ishiguro Male Outside Independent 1 Global business and manufacturing management
Yoko Takeda Female Outside Independent 1 Economic/financial analysis
Audit &
Shinji Sato Male 3 Finance, accounting and internal controls
Kazuo Nishinomiya Male SCM and production technology
Yo Ota Male Outside Independent 7 Observer Corporate legal affairs
Kunimasa Suzuki Male Outside Independent Global management and digital business
Toshihiro Otsuka Male Outside Independent Observer Accounting audits
Chairperson of the Board of Directors, Lead Independent Director, and members and chairperson of each of the advisory committees shown are those to be in place after this Meeting (scheduled to be elected at a meeting of the Board of Directors after the closing of this Meeting).
Non-executive Officer: Internal Director who does not concurrently serve as an Executive Officer of the Company and is not involved in the day-to-day execution of the Company's business