- Penalties and fines concerning the environment
Energy Conservation / Prevention of Global Warming
- Energy
- Power Generation
- Electric power used(Total electricity, Renewable electricity, and Renewable energy ratio)
- GHG emissions(Scopes 1, 2, and 3)
- GHG emissions(Scope 3 by category)
- CO2 emissions in logistics by Ricoh Group
- CO2 emissions during product use
- Avoided emissions (Provision of energy-saving products, Provision of digital services and Resource saving of products)
- External Recognition for Environmental
Resource Conservation and Recycling
Reuse and Recycling
- Virgin material usage ratio of products
- Amount of virgin materials used in products
- Amount of recycled plastics used in products (including supplies)
- Collection amount of end-of-life products
- Reuse / Recycle / Energy Recovery Volume
- Reuse / Recycle rate
- Energy recovery rate
- Incineration / Landfill rate
- Percentage of products sold last year that can be reused or recycled
- Percentage of products and materials that were actually reused or recycled by own operations
- Financial benefit for take-back program
- The amount of plastic contained in the products
- The amount of recycled plastic used in the products
- Share of materials used that are recycled
- Amount of metal used (Aluminum, Cobalt, Iron/Steel, Nickel,Lithium, and Titanium)
- The proportion of materials used that are recycled
- Water(Water withdrawal, Water discharge, Reused/recycled volume, and Reused/recycled rate)
- Waste (Total amount of waste, Final disposal amount, Amount of resource recovered, and Resource recovery rate)
- Environmentally sensitive substances (Amount used, Amount discharged)
- PRTR-target substances (Amount used, Amount discharged, and Amount transferred)
- Air pollutants (Sox, Nox, and VOC)
Conservation of Biodiversity
- Forest Conservation Projects
- Activity participants
- Forest Conservation with Stakeholders
- One Million Trees Project
Environmental Data by Business Sites
- Environmental Data by Business Sites
- Public Disclosure of Key Environmental Aspects
- Public Disclosure of Supply Chain Toxics
- Allow use of general office paper with renewable content, recycled content, and that is chlorine free
- Documentation that product does not prevent the use of non-manufacturer cartridges and non-manufacturer containers
- Documentation that the cartridge or container is not designed to prevent its reuse and recycling