Mating Problem

Mating Problems by Tanigawa Kouji 9-Dan

Mating Problems by Kikuta Yuzi

Basic Mating Problems

Basic Mating Problems

01 : Mate by the Gold (ATAMA-KIN)
02 : Mate by the Gold
03 : Mate by the Gold
04 : Mate by the Gold
05 : Mate by the Silver
06 : Mate by the Lance
07 : Mate by the Knight
08 : Mate by the Bishop
09 : Mate by the Rook
10 : Mate which the Bishop promotes
11 : Mate which the Rook promotes
12 : Mate by the Bishop and the Knight
13 : Save the Gold at last
14 : Save the Gold at last
15 : Change the effective square
16 : Change the effective square
17 : Change the effective square (KIN-TOU-KEI)

Mating Problems by Tanigawa Kouji RYU-OH

01 : Do not miss the King through the ocean.
02 : All the three golds are sacrified pieces.
03 : The 2nd attack is important.
04 : Do not lose the King in the above escape route.
05 : Make the RYU(+R) ineffective.
06 : Force the King to 1st rank.
07 : Save the gold at last.
08 : Make the rook ineffective and save the gold at last.
09 : Make a figure of a knight at the head of a gold.
10 : Sacrifice a piece at focal point.
11 : The effect of the first move is seen at the end.
12 : The gently attack and ...
13 : Do not touch the powerful 5d-UMA(+B).
14 : The attack from unexpected direction.
15 : The 2nd attack is the unexpected-good-move.
16 : Do not have the bad move at the 2nd check.
17 : Do not lose the King to 2nd file.
18 : A sacrificed piece of the 1st attack is important.
19 : Save the knight at last.
20 : At first, do not lose the King to 3rd file.
21 : Solve the problem by sacrificing at point 1a.
22 : Save the gold at last.
23 : The 2nd attack is important.
24 : The time moving the lance.
25 : The idea that the Rook(3a) is not captured.
26 : The 5e-pawn suggests a figure of mate.
27 : Force the King to the lower rank.
28 : The 1st and 2nd attack is important.
29 : The use of UMA(+B) is important.
30 : The 2nd attack is important.
31 : The surprising attack.
32 : Mate by the knight at last.
33 : Chase into the front area of the king.
34 : You need a sacrifice to prevent looping.
35 : The two Bishop are title role.
36 : Save the gold at last.
37 : Make the Rook(2-g) ineffective.
38 : Mate by team up with the two Bishop.
39 : The disturbant piece is unexpected.
40 : A sacrificed piece of the 3rd attack is important.
41 : The heavy attack and mate lightly.
42 : The 2nd attack is important.
43 : Mate by the two bishop's co-operation.
44 : How to avoid checkmating the King with a pawn drop.
45 : Save the gold at last.
46 : The 1st attack is important.
47 : How to sacrifice a piece at 3rd attck is important.
48 : The 1st attack needs to forcast next moves.
49 : The 1st attack is to sacrifice a piece unexpectedly.
50 : Make the UMA(+B) ineffective by the TESUJI.
51 : Force the King to the dangerous square.
52 : To drop a piece at focal point is important.
53 : At last, at the knight.
54 : The beforehand maneuvering for the 3rd attck is important.
55 : Save the gold at last.
56 : The attack not to caputure a piece.
57 : Make the Rook ineffective.
58 : To scrifice the Bishop is the good move.
59 : Do not lose the King to 3rd file.
60 : Do not lose the King in the above escape route.
61 : Mate by team up with the two Rook.
62 : The 1st attack is important.
63 : Sacrifice the Rooks sequentially.
64 : Do not lose the King in the above escape route.
65 : Save the gold at last.
66 : The beforehand move is important.
67 : Save the gold at last.
68 : Save the gold at last.
69 : Sacrifice the Rooks sequentially.
70 : Sacrifice a piece at focal point.
71 : The 2nd attack is important.

Mating Problems by Kikuta Yuzi

01 : This problem is the figure of ZYU-NI-SHI's INU (DOG)
02 : This problem is the figure of ZYU-NI-SHI's INOSHISHI (WILD BOAR)
03 : This problem is the figure of ZYU-NI-SHI's NEZUMI (MOUSE)